Flexible personalized modeling and rich graphical presentation

Flexible personalized
modeling and rich graphical presentation

Dashboarding is a BI tool that effectively leverages enterprise business data. It functions for modeling, statistics and analysis of data from existing systems of enterprises, and presents them through reports, visual graphics and other means. On this basis, it helps enterprises make informed decisions and business strategies. It is a supplement to LucaNet.Financial OLAP Server, and offers the personalized business analysis feature on the foundation of standardized financial models. With it, integrated LucaNet solutions that combine "financial analysis + business analysis" and "standardization + personalization" are offered to customers.

Intuitive and rich graphical presentation

Dashboarding provides a wide range of graphical presentation formats, including line charts, bar charts, pie charts, stacked bar charts,

Comprehensive data analysis

KPI indicator analysis, key indicator warnings, and panoramic strategic maps provide a visual representation of performance and business development directions, making enterprise performance management clearer and more efficient

Easy and convenient system operation

It can quickly generate reports with simple operations. Without extensive programming, it can process complex and irregular reports in their original format while maintaining existing analytical habits

Typical use cases and value

With Dashboarding, managers can monitor KPIs of their groups, such as sales performance, financial status, and inventory turnover status.

Through simple operations and intuitive graphical presentations, KPIs are presented to top-level leaders in real time, providing them with timely and effective data support to make informed decisions.

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